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E-Commerce SEO Services

SEO for e-commerce can be a game changer. If you sell products online, implementing some of the best practices of e-commerce SEO can give you the edge you need over your competitors. At StudioHawk, we have a wealth of e-commerce SEO experience and can use it to help you towards your organic search goals.

Let’s Talk E-Commerce SEO


Why E-Commerce SEO Is Important

E-commerce SEO is important for your website because you want to rank in search results when people are looking for the product you’re selling.

If you don’t have content with the keywords people are using in their search queries, your page will not be returned in SERP.

If your website is not optimised and clean, then the search engine bots will have a hard time understanding and navigating your website, and will likely provide search results for your competitors first.

SEO helps your website be found easier on Google. And once the SEO strategies begin to work, they keep working and keep growing over time.

Let’s Develop Your E-Commerce SEO Strategy

google search on tablet

How to Optimise Your E-Commerce Website

The outcomes of embarking on an SEO journey are greater web traffic, greater sales, a higher quality website, greater knowledge of what SEO is and how it can help you, and ultimately, greater income for you and your business. You’ll need to implement the following practices:

  • Create an SEO-friendly website architecture
  • Add content to all category pages, targeting the right keywords
  • Strong Call To Action buttons on key pages
  • Relevant title tags and meta descriptions
  • Fast loading website
  • Technical SEO Auditing
  • Link Acquisition


Our favourite SEO team! Jake and Sophie have been instrumental in helping us upgrade our SEO strategy, and wow have they done a great job! Not only that but they put up with a very chatty client (me) giving no end of helpful support when asked. A great agency to work with – I’d highly recommend them!

Jessica Hawkins - The Creative Copywriter


Need Help To Grow Your E-Commerce Brand on Google?

Are you curious how StudioHawk can help you? Do you want your e-commerce store to grow, get more web traffic, and get more sales?

Contact us today for a conversation. We’re an award-winning agency with no lock-in contracts. We don’t want you to feel trapped. We want you to stay with us because we’re giving you great results, and you love working with us.

Talk To Our SEO Specialists


Website Migration Recovery Case Study: Damson Madder

With Damson Madder, we focussed on long-tail SEO, more specific categories, and other technical SEO elements to flank their less nimble competitors and help them on to e-commerce success.

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