Enterprise SEO at its finest
Our typical SEO campaigns are for small businesses, so to scale up our efforts to the enterprise level was both a challenge and its own reward. We had to take fast, direct action to ensure results, so we focused on:
- Assisted in formatting React to make it SEO-friendly so that the Javascript was pre-rendered and there were no manual actions made after launch
- Fleshed out the buying and brand guides to be strong, authoritative content pieces
- Created frameworks and templates for Officeworks to roll out
- Suggestion and help with implementing Zip and Afterpay
Challenges & Objectives
Our goals from the get-go were to:
- Deliver an 8% increase in Officeworks’ organic revenue within 12 months (which we smashed and hit 29%)
- Educate and train Officeworks’ digital department to restructure their online content with SEO in mind
- Demonstrate the importance of SEO to Officeworks’ executive staff
Our first challenge came a few days after we started with the team: they were transitioning all their pages and storefront to ReactJS, and the change was going live in one week. Cue panic. We had to act fast and with the support of the eCommerce team, we pushed back the React launch a few months. We then had time to work with IT to smooth out the transition to avoid traffic tanking.
We made the right call. Not only did traffic start to increase, we had internal buy-in for the work we were accomplishing. Our expertise and ability to see the bigger picture (and not take shortcuts) saved Officeworks a headache down the track.